
we live in a thyme when a planetary ceremonial container for the evolution of our species is called for. Who better to hold that container than the collective? I tend to circles of women and men, children and ancestors – who support the divine feminine + the divine masculine being equal and supportive, and supportive to embodying peace, thru music, art and action.

Mz. imani is a strong proponent and ally for communities bringing forth ceremony to amplify the voices of the plants, water, nature, indigenous people and perspectives to help the people thrive. She feels strongly about the roles and response abilities of modern people to unpack privilege and dismantle power over paradigms, while taking actions to heal, to honor life and reframe power to the place of within.

Olatunji always said “when one person drums, someone somewhere responds to that drum.” It is absolutely clear to Mz. imani that this happens. As each one, reaches one, we all become more accessible and adaptable, this means our collective becomes stronger. As all these small actions add up, we gather critical mass and our capacity to IMPact the Highest Good of All expands. We learn how to listen more deeply, be more authentic and clear in our expressions, we learn how to KINnect, rather than convince, and we learn about gratitude, kindness and validation.

Fire Circle Community

From logistics to legend making, personal practice to conscious co-creations, rites of passages to round table discussions, or performances to community rituals, Mz. imani lends her ceremonial experience to weave coherent and unique threads together.

Within all styles and forms of energetic, alchemical or transformational WErk, there are inherent and repeatable patterns. Her collaborative nature, coupled with her music, her life experience, shamanic training and Alchemical Healing practice instigates ceremonial actions and opens pathways celebrate life, enliven gratitude and provide tools and skills to navigate the current conditions of our personal and collective realities.

Ceremonial Drumming and Offerings

When we don’t know what to do, we invite in what (or who) does know what to do. We are living in a thyme of immense change and it is understandable to experience a lack of clarity, to be questioning, “what can I do to help make the world a better place to be?” We are the generations that get to do something about all the previous damage to the heART of humanity. So many of us hear the change calling us. So many receive the message to gather and to do ceremony. As we Stop, Drop and Roll, with what is, we take a breath together and listen more deeply to find a sense of strength and Radical Neutrality to instigate the collective capacity for coherent conversations and collective change.

Fire Ceremony Solstice

Mz. imani has paid attention to repeatable patterns her entire life. Having experienced significant trauma as a child, it stARTed as a coping skill. As an adult, she recognized that and turned it into a tool and a skill in her personal transformational WErk. A natural consequence is we learn when to lean in and when to sit back. When to listen and when to speak. When we define safety we are able to expand our sense of belonging, be more inclusive and we call in community that resonates to this capacity, and wants to co-create the courage to unpack privilege, reveal the wounds and share the skills we each bring to heal our heARTs while cultivating kindness.

Nexus Point

As a ceremonialist, she has been called a nexus point, as she consciously weaves people, places and ideas together to uplift life itself. Mz. imani walks with the intent to tap in and rebuild a sense of resonant harmony through drumming, dance, music and art.

We all are a pART of the expanding web of consciousness, and her passions are to catalyze KINnections ideas, resources, stories and share songs that inspire and weave music, drumming, prayer, respect and ceremony into our daily lives.

Peace Chamber - SoulFire SanctuaryMz. imani is the curator and founder of SoulFire Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is home to the 18th Peace Chamber and has been a ceremonial dance grounds for more than 30 years. In 2014 Mz. imani became the land owner and steward of 30 acres and the Peace Chamber. With permission to bring her werk forward, Mz. imani offers classes, one to one + group sessions, mentorship programs and her ministerial credentials to support the evolution of our collective consciousness y celebrating the rites of passage inherent to life, yet often forgotten about.

Mama Mojo's Mystery School

SoulFire Sanctuary is a place to reKINnect with nature and your personal presence. A place to prepare to enter the 18th Peace Chamber. As the Chamber is a place to offer prayers for WErld Peace, the water and the conscious evolution of our species.

SoulFire Sanctuary is home to Mama Mojo’s Mystery School -a circle of committed planetary healing, alchemy and the arts as one way to learn how to access our personal KINnection with spirit + nature.

Mz. imani resides at SoulFire Sanctuary, in her tiny house, tending the fire and preparing for your visit.