i am a visionary

I hold the vision that all beings may know peace now + now + now.

I open my heART, thru these writings in the understanding that others my find these werds helpful to unwind confusion and realign with the universal intelligence and blesSINGs that are available for us to receive.

i am calling in creation – to remind humanity it is really way beyond thyme for us to wake up.

Yesterday was the “official / national” day of morning. One Wampanoag Person i listened to yesterday when talking about “original thanksgiving” shared something new to me: the “bird” was not a turkey, it was an eagle – a golden eagle. the europeans changed it to a turkey (perhaps it is energetic, def easier to hunt, as turkeys are primarily ground creatures, while eagles are the high, high flying ones. Turkeys are in more abundance than eagles, tho back in the day, they prolly we both abundant… Then i thought about how many cultures see the turkey as the “give …

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Music is Medicine

Life is complex, and often times we forget about some of the simplest forms of good medicine available for ourselves and our comm(on)unity. Music and Art are languages of the heART and as such, are common to the human experience. This points me towards a pillar of my practice, a core and basic philosophy that when we are aware, open and willing, the archetypal energies, voices of nature and the universe itself can express themselves through our music, our art and our dance, our WErds and lives as individuals that support collective wellbeing. The ancient roots and connection of …

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